massage therapy

Amy Montia, PhD, LMT performing medical massage therapy for sciatic nerve pain relief at Physio Logic NYC in Brooklyn, NY.

Massage Therapy for Sciatica Nerve Pain Relief

What is Sciatica? Sciatica is actually a collection of conditions that share a common symptom: pain, numbness, sensitivity, and/or weakness that runs down the leg posterolaterally (i.e. down the back of the leg more toward the outer side). It’s common. Since we humans are all unique with different lifestyles, skeletons, and activity levels, the nature […]

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massage therapy at physio logic nyc in brooklyn ny

Why Massage Therapy is an Important Part of Physical Therapy

By: Amy Montia, PhD, LMT. At Physio Logic, most physical therapy patients receive massage therapy (also called manual therapy), woven into their treatment plan, as integrating massage therapy into each session optimizes physical therapy treatment and can effectively expedite their recovery. A great research paper in Science Magazine in 2012 by Mark Tarnopolsky, a metabolic

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