Regenexx Procedures for Hand, Wrist and Thumb Injuries and Arthritis

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Regenexx® Procedures for Hand, Wrist & Basal Joint (Thumb) Arthritis & Other Conditions.

Advanced non-surgical, precise, image-guided, injection procedures using the healing agents from your own body for those who are suffering from pain or reduced range of motion due to basal joint / CMC arthritis, hand arthritis, or other injuries & conditions in the hand or wrist.

Commonly Treated Hand, Wrist or CMC Arthritis Conditions

Commonly Treated Hand and Wrist Conditions

This is not a complete list, so please contact us or complete the Regenexx Candidate Form if you have questions about whether you or your condition can be treated with these non-surgical procedures.

  • Hand Arthritis
  • Basal Joint Arthritis or CMC / Carpometacarpal Arthritis
  • Instability
  • TFCC tear
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Trigger finger
Patient Outcome Data

Hand & Wrist Outcomes

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About Regenexx and our Highly Skilled Physician Network


Targeted Procedure for Thumb Basal Joint / CMC Arthritis and Other Hand / Wrist Conditions

Thumb CMC/Basal Joint Arthritis or Arthritis of the Hand Joints can appear early in life. The constant swiveling and pivoting motions of the basal joint, at the base of the thumb, tends to wear it out easily. While total joint reconstruction surgery may improve the condition for some, new problems in the thumb joint may develop over time, causing such symptoms as numbness, tenderness, or reduced range of motion.

This highly specialized, precise, image guided Regenexx procedure performed only by very specially trained Regenexx Physicians for CMC Arthritis and other injuries and conditions in the hand and wrist utilizes concentrated repair cells that are obtained from your own bone marrow or blood to promote your body’s own natural ability to heal.


Download This Free Report on Hand, Wrist, and Thumb Issues and Learn Why Regenexx May Provide an Excellent Treatment Option

You don’t think about how important your wrists, hands, and thumbs are until there’s a problem and suddenly you can’t write, carry things, or type without pain. Or maybe you can still do all these things, but you’re realizing that it’s more of a struggle and it gets more painful every time you do them. Download this report and learn why Regenexx blood platelet procedures are backed by research that shows interventional regenerative medicine treatment options promoting your own body’s natural ability to heal can often be a smart alternative to treating hand, wrist, and thumb pain via surgery.

Download the Report Here

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How Regenexx Procedures Work


Bone Marrow Concentrate


Regenexx SCP

Super Concentrated Platelet Rich Plasma & Platelet Lysate Procedures


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*DISCLAIMER: Like all medical procedures, Regenexx® Procedures have a success and failure rate. Patient reviews and testimonials on this site should not be interpreted as a statement on the effectiveness of our treatments for anyone else.