Regenexx Procedures for Hip Injuries and Arthritis

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Regenexx® Procedures for Hip Injuries, Arthritis, Bursitis and Other Degenerative Conditions.

Regenexx® Procedures are non-surgical injection-based procedures for people suffering from hip pain due to common injuries, Avascular Necrosis (AVN, Osteonecrosis), Hip Bursitis, Hip Labral Tears, Hip Tendonitis, or degenerative problems like Arthritis related to the hip joint. These procedures utilize concentrated repair cells that are obtained from your own bone marrow or blood to promote your body’s own natural ability to heal.

Regenexx procedures offer a non-surgical treatment option for many patients who are considering elective surgeries to treat their hip pain. Accurate diagnosis is key as Hip pain is often referred from other areas. Regenexx procedures are designed to help reduce pain and improve function with precise highly specific image-guided procedures to promote the body’s ability to heal itself naturally.

Commonly Treated Hip Conditions

Commonly Treated Hip Conditions

This is not a complete list, so please contact us or complete the Regenexx Candidate Form if you have questions about whether you or your condition can be treated with these non-surgical procedures.

  • Mild to Moderate Osteoarthritis
  • Bursitis
  • Tendinopathy
  • Labral / labrum tear
  • Avascular Necrosis
  • Osteonecrosis
Patient Outcome Data

Hip Outcomes

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About Regenexx and our Highly Skilled Physician Network


Hip Surgery and Replacement vs. Regenexx Procedures

Hip pain can be very difficult to deal with on a day-to-day basis and traditionally requires long-term pain management if the problem is not corrected. Hip surgery, hip replacement surgery, and hip resurfacing are often the only medical options presented to a patient to deal with their debilitating pain.

Hip surgeries are typically very traumatic and are often followed by months of pain and discomfort while attempting to redevelop strength and mobility. Regenexx patients are typically encouraged to walk the same day if possible, and most experience little downtime from the procedure. Watch the videos below to learn more.


Video: The Regenexx Difference


Video: Precise Fluoroscopy-Guided Regenexx Hip Injection

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How Regenexx Procedures Work


Bone Marrow Concentrate


Regenexx SCP

Super Concentrated Platelet Rich Plasma & Platelet Lysate Procedures


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Regenexx® Patient Success Stories

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*DISCLAIMER: Like all medical procedures, Regenexx® Procedures have a success and failure rate. Patient reviews and testimonials on this site should not be interpreted as a statement on the effectiveness of our treatments for anyone else.