carpal tunnel syndrome

Chiropractor Dr. Stephen Szaro performing the Graston Technique on a patient.

What are the benefits of Graston Technique?

Chiropractor, Dr. Stephen Szaro, DC, explains the benefits of Graston Technique, and why this form of treatment is so effective. Does Graston Technique work? Graston Technique (GT) is a non-invasive, soft tissue technique that uses specially designed stainless steel instruments to help the clinician identify and treat areas of the body exhibiting soft tissue fibrosis […]

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How to Remedy Tech Neck and Poor Desk Posture at Physio Logic NYC

Combating Poor Desk Posture with Massage Therapy

Can massage therapy be a solution to poor desk posture? Let’s explore the benefits of massage therapy in combating poor desk posture. Technology is everywhere. Whether sitting at your desk working on a computer, checking the number of likes on your most recent Facebook post from your smartphone, or just talking to your mom, technology

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