physical therapy

Dr. Eva Shi, Physical Therapist at Physio Logic NYC in Brooklyn, NY, demonstrates the correct way to bend to prevent lower back pain from bending over.

Lower Back Pain From Bending Over? Here’s What You’re Doing Wrong.

Today, lower back pain has become synonymous with baseline existence. It is something we must simply look forward to having in our chair-sitting, back bending, and stress-inducing lives. In many cases, it’s merely a case of poor movement and not being mindful. Something as simple as bending over, done improperly can cause lower back pain.

Lower Back Pain From Bending Over? Here’s What You’re Doing Wrong. READ MORE»

Shoulder Pain Treatment_ Healing a Rotator Cuff Tear in Brooklyn New York at Physio Logic NYC

Shoulder Pain Treatment: Healing a Rotator Cuff Tear

What is a Rotator Cuff Tear? Most of us will experience some shoulder joint pain or dysfunction in our lives. The shoulder joint and its associated muscular rotator cuff can be particularly vulnerable to injury due to a unique and complex movement called circumduction. Circumduction is a complex and important functional movement that allows us

Shoulder Pain Treatment: Healing a Rotator Cuff Tear READ MORE»

achilles tendinopathy at physio logic new york

Treatment Options for Achilles Tendinopathy

Through the years, especially in the last twenty years, what the medical field knew about tendon pathology has improved. The concept and name for the condition has changed from tendinitis to tendinosis, and then to tendinopathy.  The Achilles tendinopathy is the most common of the injuries, what really matters is to understand what has been

Treatment Options for Achilles Tendinopathy READ MORE»

5 Exercises to Improve Scapular Stabilization and Prevent Elbow, Wrist and Hand Injuries at Physio Logic NYC

5 Exercises to Improve Scapular Stabilization and Prevent Elbow, Wrist and Hand Injuries

By: Dr. Rachel Tavel, DPT. When people hear the word “core” they usually think about their abdominal muscles. We all know that we have to have a strong core for improved posture, balance, and overall strength. But what if we told you your shoulders have their own core? The scapula, commonly referred to as the

5 Exercises to Improve Scapular Stabilization and Prevent Elbow, Wrist and Hand Injuries READ MORE»

massage therapy at physio logic nyc in brooklyn ny

Why Massage Therapy is an Important Part of Physical Therapy

By: Amy Montia, PhD, LMT. At Physio Logic, most physical therapy patients receive massage therapy (also called manual therapy), woven into their treatment plan, as integrating massage therapy into each session optimizes physical therapy treatment and can effectively expedite their recovery. A great research paper in Science Magazine in 2012 by Mark Tarnopolsky, a metabolic

Why Massage Therapy is an Important Part of Physical Therapy READ MORE»