For patients suffering from Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV), this condition can usually be treated in just one to two visits and can quickly alleviate debilitating sensations of vertigo, nausea, and unsteadiness.
For other vestibular disorders, sessions are typically held 1-2 times per week for several weeks or months, depending on the severity, complexity, and chronicity of the symptoms. By utilizing and progressing the repetition of provoking activities in order to extinguish symptoms, it is important to note that exercises will usually increase symptoms while they are being performed in VRT. As patients progress, however, the symptoms eventually subside. Sessions are spent focusing on balance training, vision exercises to improve oculomotor function and gaze stability, and individualized vestibular exercises. These specifically tailored programs are meant to re-train the vestibular system and improve the patient’s sense of where they are in space so that they can properly navigate their way through New York City with a strong sense of equilibrium.