Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy New York

biohacking new york

HBOT NYC | Hyperbaric Oxygen treatment:

  • Chronic inflammation
  • Neuropathy
  • Parkinson’s
  • Dementia
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Decompression Sickness
  • Post Stroke
  • Traumatic Brain Injury
  • Post Concussion
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • & Many Others

Hear what others are saying about HBOT

How Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Works

HBOT Therapy is based on the fact that at higher altitudes air is “thinner,” meaning there is less available oxygen for the body to absorb. At lower altitudes the opposite is true. At a lower altitude, the pressure is greater and the body can more easily absorb oxygen. Being in the pressurized hyperbaric chamber is like being at a lower altitude where the body begins to absorb a healing dose of oxygen which is infused into every cell of the body. This increase in oxygen exposure is critical for the improved healing response of our cells and the nervous system.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) is the medical use of oxygen in a pressurized environment, at a level higher than 1 atmosphere absolute (ATA). The increased atmospheric pressure allows the body to absorb more oxygen into blood cells, plasma, and cerebral, spinal, and other fluids. This noninvasive therapy is the most trusted for oxygen to dissolve and saturate the blood plasma (independent of hemoglobin/red blood cells), which yields a broad variety of positive physiological, biochemical and cellular effects. The typical treatment lasts for 60-90 minutes, during which the patient lies down and breathes normally.

HBOT Therapy has been demonstrated in several clinical studies to enhance the body’s innate ability to repair and regenerate. It is used as an adjunct therapy to complement and enhance the healing process in both chronic and acute conditions.

HBOT Benefits

  • Increases oxygen to the body’s tissues up to 25 times the normal amount.
  • Boosts immune system (improved neutrophil and macrophage activity).
  • Produces new blood vessel growth (neovascularization, angiogenesis).
  • Increases production of stem cells (up to 8x MSC and CNS stem cell)
  • Increases wound healing and damaged tissue (VEGF, Collagen production, and PDGF)
  • Decreases inflammation (reduction of cytokines/increase in anti-inflammatory cytokines)
  • Anti-microbial/microbiome balancing (decreasing anaerobic pathogens)
  • Decreases swelling and edema (vasoconstriction)
  • Increases energy and reduce fatigue (mitochondrial healing and production)
  • Treats traumatic and ischemic brain and nerve injuries (increase VEGF, BDNF, HIF1) and many many more.

Is Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy covered by insurance?

Insurance usually does not cover these treatments for the conditions we are using it for in our office. However, in the United States, there are certain indications which insurance does cover. These include gangrene, radiation burns, carbon monoxide poisoning, and decompression sickness.

Cost of HBOT: How much does Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy cost?

If you are curious about the hyperbaric chamber NYC cost, let’s delve into the pricing details to provide you with a comprehensive answer:

Per Session

60 min Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Package $150

90 min Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Package $175

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5 Sessions (determined by physician)

60 min Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Package $675

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10 Sessions (determined by physician)

60 min Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Package (10 sessions) $1275

90 min Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Package $1,260 (Includes 28% discount ($126 per visit))

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20 Sessions (determined by physician)

60 min Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Package (20 sessions) $2400

90 min Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Package (20 sessions) $2,240

(Includes 36% discount ($112 per visit))

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Dr. Patty DiBlasio, MD, MPH

Dr. Patty DiBlasio, MD, MPH


Michelle Miller, MSACN

Michelle Miller, MSACN


Dr. Rudy Gehrman, DC

Dr. Rudy Gehrman, DC


Dr. Stephen Szaro, DC

Dr. Stephen Szaro, DC


Read More on Health Coaching

At Physiologic NYC we're happy to help and guide you with a team of experts dedicated to making a plan to suit your needs.  If you want to learn more about our hyperbaric chamber for your hyperbaric oxygen therapy in New York area schedule a call with us or fill out the form below.

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