Michael G.

What Condition(s) were you treated for at Physiologic?

Initially, my back. After being rehabilitated, I later returned to get treatment for shoulder and neck pain. I am an active tennis player so over the years, I have had a few injuries.

Did anyone person stand out to you during your care at Physio Logic? If so, what attributes did you most admire?

Jeanine, (Physical Therapist) and I worked very well together from the beginning. She didn’t just treat the injury I presented, but considered my body holistically. This distinguishes Physio Logic from other places I’ve received Physical Therapy. Jeanine also kept careful track of my progress and communicated with the rest of the team to ensure I would heal. After finishing PT, I have taken her Pilates class, continuing to strengthen my core.

What was your favorite part about being our patient?

It is a warm environment, Lynda (Pilates studio Owner and director) has such an eclectic taste, the aesthetics help you feel comfortable. It does not have a “Doctors office” feel, the place has more personality. I really like that the staff has a meeting everyday that discusses patients and their conditions, it gives me confidence in my treatment here. You know that the team is working towards outcomes by discussing the processes that can get you there effectively and efficiently.

Did you meet your health goals at Physio Logic?


What activities are you able to return to since transitioning from Pain to wellness?

I have returned to tennis and cycling.