

6 Contrast Therapy Benefits: How Does Cold to Hot Therapy Elevate Recovery and Performance?

Athletes and the human population are continuously pushing new heights and boundaries that can, at least partially, be attributed to the adaptation and modification of training methods they use. However, another aspect of the high-performance level of a modern-day athlete is their recovery modalities – an area that can strongly dictate how efficiently an athlete […]

6 Contrast Therapy Benefits: How Does Cold to Hot Therapy Elevate Recovery and Performance? READ MORE»

hyperbaric oxygen therapy on athlete

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in Athletes: Optimization, Recovery, and More

As training intensity for competitive sports has increased over the past decade, so too has the incidence of injury in athletes, including broken bones and strains or tears to muscles, tendons, and ligaments. As a result of this, numerous protocols aimed at optimizing diet, training and conditioning strategies, and intensity levels have been proposed as

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in Athletes: Optimization, Recovery, and More READ MORE»