NAD+ Therapy

NAD+ IV therapy for diseases

NAD+ IV Therapy: Potential to Reverse Neurodegenerative Diseases

By: Dana Engram NAD+ and Aging  Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD+) is a vital cofactor involved in homeostasis and energy production (Lautrup et al., 2019).  NAD+ production in our body naturally decreases as we age. Why this occurs remains unknown and is still under rigorous experimentation and debate in biochemical research. One of the main areas of the brain that NAD+ is crucial […]

NAD+ IV Therapy: Potential to Reverse Neurodegenerative Diseases READ MORE»

Receiving Vitamin IV Therapy in Brooklyn, NY at Physio Logic NYC

NAD+: Our secret weapon for optimal health, energy, performance, cognition and anxiety.

What’s the secret to enhancing the power of every cell in the body? NAD+! What’s the secret to enhancing the power of every cell in the body? NAD+! This coenzyme powerhouse nutrient has such a profound impact on the body, it almost sounds too good to be true! Join us to hear how NAD+ can

NAD+: Our secret weapon for optimal health, energy, performance, cognition and anxiety. READ MORE»