Holly S.

What conditions were you treated for at Physio Logic?

I was treated for a broken ankle, sprained knee, and severe spasticity.


Did any one person stand out to you during your care at Physio Logic? If so, what attributes did you admire most?

Everyone was great. Each therapist was detailed and wanted to know everything about my injuries to help me in the best way possible.


What was your favorite part of being our patient?

Every interaction I had  with the front staff and the therapists were great. Michelle, my clinical nutritionist was excellent and very helpful.


Did you reach your health goals at Physio Logic?

Yes. I still have more to go, but I’m making really good progress. My co-workers commented on my quick recovery and progress, as well as my improvement with walking.


What activities are you able to return to since transitioning from pain to wellness?

After my injuries, there were a lot of yoga poses that I could no longer do for about two years. After working with the staff at Physio Logic, I am able to enjoy deeper yoga practice again, and have regained the ability to do certain poses that gave me trouble in the past.