Rebecca O.

What were your initial goals coming into Physio Logic? What conditions/injuries did you treated for at Physio Logic?

I’ve been coming to Physio Logic for different problems when they arise. This time I came in for a hip injury and acute pain/inflammation from dance. I am part of a contemporary dance company so I am constantly training, practicing, learning, and barely get a chance to stop. Unfortunately, that lead to my current problem. I had to give up a role in our latest production because I injured myself. I went in for an MRI and thankfully it wasn’t anything serious, yet, so I began resting and coming in for chiropractic.

What have you learned since starting your journey here at Physio Logic?

The value of consistency. I’m lucky enough to be able to come here as many times as I need until I’m 100%. If it’s one thing I’ve learned over the years dancing it’s not to ignore the problem. If you feel pain with certain movements, you should really get it checked out as soon as possible. To me Physio Logic is an important investment to myself and my dance career.

What was your favorite part of being our patient?

The chiropractors I’ve worked with are all very friendly, patient. Sometimes due to my hectic schedule I can run a little late, but they don’t make a big deal about it. They just want to get you better. Everyone here is very efficient, organized, and have managed my care really well. The flow from the front desk to the treatment to walking out is completely seamless and streamline.

Who stood out to you the most during your treatment at Physio Logic? How did they help you reach your goals?

All three chiropractors, Dr. Mike, Dr. Stephen, and Dr. Ken really listen to you. They always had my best interest and my recovery in mind. They wanted to know about my goals, they asked about dance, and how they could keep me going with certain modifications. They were able to treat and access deeper muscles that I couldn’t on my own.

What activities are you able to return to since transitioning from pain to wellness?

I’m able to dance again. This injury was a little frightening, but they’ve kept me calm. I feel like this was the most serious injury by far throughout my dance career. They walked me through each phase of treatment and assured me that I would get through it just fine. I definitely feel stronger now, and can’t wait for the next performance.