Gut Health

What is IBS? Let’s Talk IBS Symptoms and IBS Treatment

Michelle Miller and Diana Orchant host the hit Functional Medicine podcast, FUNC YOU UP! You can listen to it on Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts. This article is a transcript of Episode 48, IBS is BS. Enjoy! IBS, or Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is the most common gut disorder. […]

What is IBS? Let’s Talk IBS Symptoms and IBS Treatment READ MORE»

The Physio Logic NYC skeleton wants to know, what is leaky gut and what are leaky gut causes.

What is Leaky Gut? 6 Leaky Gut Causes and How to Cure It.

If you’ve browsed the internet regarding digestive distress or gut health, chances are you’ve run across some form of gut health information. Today, research reveals that what goes on in our gut happens to impact our entire body. As Hippocrates said, “all disease begins in the gut.” One of the conditions that is showing up

What is Leaky Gut? 6 Leaky Gut Causes and How to Cure It. READ MORE»

Dr. Rudy German's mind being blown by all the amazing health benefits of apple cider vinegar.

6 Apple Cider Vinegar Health Benefits That Will Leave Your… 🤯

The Ins and Outs of Apple Cider Vinegar As the name suggests, apple cider vinegar is a product that is made from apples. Given the popular folk wisdom that “an apple a day keeps the doctor away,” it is likely not surprising that apple cider vinegar can boost your health and vitality. Keep reading to

6 Apple Cider Vinegar Health Benefits That Will Leave Your… 🤯 READ MORE»

The Artificial Sweeteners Effect on the system

The Artificial Sweeteners Effect on the Gut Microbiome

By: Diana Orchant, Functional Medicine Registered Dietitian. Clinically Reviewed by Michelle Miller, MSACN. Let’s get nerdy! Do you believe that stirring Splenda in your coffee is more beneficial than that pinch of sugar? Think again. Our society has been trained to demonize sugar but our taste buds still crave that something sweet. So, what do

The Artificial Sweeteners Effect on the Gut Microbiome READ MORE»