The Chiropractic profession has changed immensely since D.D. Palmer founded the profession by restoring Harvey Lillard’s hearing with an adjustment. Long gone are the days in which Chiropractors believe that all diseases are a result of spinal misalignment and in are the days of the modern, evidence-based Chiropractic care. Unfortunately, much of the public’s perception pertaining to chiropractors is influenced by old school views. You’ve heard them all before and Physio Logic’s Chiropractor Dr. Michael Vanchieri, DC, is here to dispel some of the reasons why chiropractors get a bad rap.

1. “Chiropractors aren’t real doctors, they’re quacks!”
Contrary to popular belief, the chiropractic physician is just as much a physician as your primary care doctor. In fact, in some practices, chiropractors ARE your primary care doctor, using the medical knowledge in school to diagnose, treat, and triage patients effectively. According to a study performed by the National Center for Biotechnology Information, “considerable commonality exists between chiropractic and medical programs. Regarding the basic sciences, these programs are more similar than dissimilar, both in the types of subjects offered and in the time allotted to each subject.”
2. “All they do is heat, stim, and crack your back. I was with the doctor for a total two minutes.”
Here at Physio Logic, we spend at least 15 minutes with each patient. Treatments consist of sports massage, soft tissue manipulation, chiropractic adjustments, progressive rehabilitation exercise, and patient education. If you need something lengthened, strengthened, or moving better, we can get it done with a myriad of treatment options. If at any point, you get just some heat, stim, and an adjustment at Physio Logic, it’s probably because you’re doing well and that’s all you need!
3. “My sister went to a chiropractor near me and her herniated disc got worse.”
Within any industry, there are exceptional professionals and those that are mediocre at best. If you stumble upon a bad accountant, are you never going to file for taxes again, or do you go out and look for a better one? If you’ve had a bad experience with chiropractic before, don’t let that prevent you from giving yourself the opportunity to get out of pain and be yourself again.
4. “I feel good when I leave, but I feel like I need to keep going back.”
We love our patients at Physio Logic, but we would rather see you at the movies or taking a stroll down the street. We treat patients to not have to treat patients anymore. Part of how we do that is effectively diagnosing and treating the ROOT CAUSE of your condition. By treating the root cause of your condition and not just covering up symptoms, consistent, permanent, and long-term progress is obtained.
If you’re interested in getting out of pain and back to doing what you do best, put aside those pre-conceived notions and come try out a modern, medical, evidence-based chiropractic experience at Physio Logic NYC. Schedule an appointment with one of our Chiropractors today. Fill out the form below to get started.