Digestive Health

Developing Regular Bowel Movements - Treatments for Constipation, Diarrhea, and IBS | https://physiologicnyc.com/clinical-nutrition/

Getting Regular

Physio Logic’s Contributing Registered Dietitian, Rachel Naar, RD, discusses the causes and treatments of constipation, diarrhea, and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). When ya gotta go, you gotta go or sometimes you don’t gotta go at all! Here we take a deeper dive into some of the most common gastrointestinal conditions, and shed some light on […]

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Post Pregnancy Nutrition for Mother and Baby - Healthy Ingredients for Mother and Baby Post Pregnancy Nutrition | https://physiologicnyc.com/clinical-nutrition/

How to Thrive After Delivery: Your Post Pregnancy Nutrition Guide

Physio Logic’s Clinical Nutrition Assistant, Rachel Naar, discusses the importance of proper post-pregnancy nutrition for the optimal health of both mother and baby. She provides sources of significant proteins, antioxidants, phytochemicals, vitamins, minerals, whole grains, fibers, and fats. Last summer we prepped you with some nutritional education surrounding ‘What to Expect When You’re Expecting.” Nine

How to Thrive After Delivery: Your Post Pregnancy Nutrition Guide READ MORE»

Shut Eye Suggestions: Getting Quality Sleep Before a Marathon

Looking to improve your sleep quality to boost your marathon performance? Physio Logic’s clinical nutritionist, Michelle Miller, MSACN, explores the impact of sleep on your body and recommends bedtime rituals and snacks that encourage good rest. The Importance of Sleep Quality sleep gives your body time to recuperate and repair itself for future activity. Sleep.

Shut Eye Suggestions: Getting Quality Sleep Before a Marathon READ MORE»

Can Xanthan Gum Cause Intestinal Discomfort and Migraines?

Can Xanthan Gum Cause Intestinal Discomfort and Migraines?

Nutrition Assistant, Rachel Naar, raises some concerns regarding the consumption of Xanthan gum. The gluten-free market is taking over just about every cafe and supermarket these days. You may have flipped over some of those products and wondered about some of the ‘science-y’ sounding terms. Just what is xanthan gum and is it safe for

Can Xanthan Gum Cause Intestinal Discomfort and Migraines? READ MORE»

How Nutrition Affects Fertility - Your Pregnancy Guide

How Nutrition Affects Fertility – Your Pregnancy Guide

We’ve all heard the phrase ‘what to expect when you’re expecting,’ but what about what you should EAT when you’re expecting? Or how about how to care for yourself BEFORE you’re expecting? Here we take a deep dive into the nutritional needs of mothers. Allow us to separate fact from fiction and ease your baby-brained

How Nutrition Affects Fertility – Your Pregnancy Guide READ MORE»

Sleep as Medicine in Brooklyn, NY at Physio Logic NYC.

Acupuncture for Better Sleep, Treating Insomnia, and Imbalanced Emotions

Acupuncturist & Chiropractor, Dr. Allison Heffron explains why sleep is a necessary function in life and how acupuncture can help you get better sleep. Becoming a Sleeping Beauty…or just sleeping at all. We’ve all had restless nights of sleeping, or a complete lack thereof, where our minds are racing, we toss and turn and can’t

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Healing Your Gut with Acupuncture

Healing Your Gut with Acupuncture

Chiropractor & Acupuncturist in Brooklyn, NY, Allison Heffron, DC, L.Ac. examines the causes of gut dysfunction and how acupuncture, along with dietary changes and nutritional guidance can help restore and repair healthy gut function. The Integrative Medicine team at Physio Logic combines modalities from Western medicine with traditional Chinese Medicine in order to provide patients

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