Integrative Medicine Blog

Inside Brooklyn’s amazing new Pilates-physical therapy center


Inside Brooklyn’s amazing new Pilates-physical therapy center

May 27, 2015 By Jamie McKillop Find the Well + Good article here. Pilates Instructor in Brooklyn, New York When now-married couple Rudy Gehrman, DC, and Lynda Salerno-Gehrman first met in the early 2000s, it was a perfect match, in more than just the romantic sense. The chiropractor and Pilates instructor, respectively, started referring clients […]

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Yoga and Food - Physio Logic Pilates & Movement in Downtown Brooklyn

What’s so great about Yoga?

New York City has a new favorite four-lettered-word: YOGA! Once considered an alternative “hippie thing,” yoga studios are sprouting up on every corner and classes are being taught everywhere from the Rockaway boardwalk—to the Wall Street boardroom. As yoga becomes an integral part of 21st-century life, the research, aligned with new methods of inquiry and

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Dr. Graham featured in the Washington Post

Eating well can help prevent chronic conditions including heart disease, diabetes and obesity. So why aren’t more doctors prescribing broccoli and flaxseed? Physio Logic’s Integrative Medicine Specialist, Dr. Robert Graham was featured in today’s Washington Post article about doctors prescribing food as medicine to prevent chronic diseases. We’re proud to be part of the larger

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5 Tips for Staying Healthy this Winter

5 Tips for Staying Healthy this Winter

  Clinical Nutritionist Michelle Miller, MSACN shares a few tips for staying healthy this winter, both physically and mentally. Most people find themselves getting stressed out, sick, and fatigued during the winter months. Vitamin D Most New Yorker’s are vitamin D deficient, and vitamin D deficiency has been linked with depression, bone loss, several autoimmune

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Introducing Robert E. Graham, MD, MPH, ABOIM, FACP and the FRxESH Integrative Health Program at Physio Logic

What is FRESH? Health care needs a “FRESH” prescription to health. FRESH is an Integrative Health program with roots grounded in conventional/allopathic medicine and holistic medicine. It is based on the belief that each patient is unique and has their own individual needs. We look at each patient as a whole person with their very

Introducing Robert E. Graham, MD, MPH, ABOIM, FACP and the FRxESH Integrative Health Program at Physio Logic READ MORE»


Dr. Graham featured in Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution article

Physio Logic’s very own Integrative Health Specialist, Dr. Robert Graham has been recently featured on Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution website discussing how our current healthcare system neglects the importance of food, and how doctors should place more importance on what patients eat instead of overlooking it. Read the entire article here.

Dr. Graham featured in Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution article READ MORE»


Pelvic Floor Rehab

We now offer a non-surgical approach to rehabilitation of dysfunctions in the pelvis that contribute to bladder, sexual health, and pain complaints. Approaches may include behavioral strategies, manual therapies, modalities, therapeutic exercise, education, and functional re-training. We treat the person as a whole through our Pilates-based physical therapy program. Dysfunctions treated: Urinary incontinence Pelvic pain

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