Massage Therapy

Amy Montia, PhD, LMT performing medical massage therapy for sciatic nerve pain relief at Physio Logic NYC in Brooklyn, NY.

Massage Therapy for Sciatica Nerve Pain Relief

Sciatica Pain Massage What is Sciatica? Sciatica is actually a collection of conditions that share a common symptom: pain, numbness, sensitivity, and/or weakness that runs down the leg posterolaterally (i.e. down the back of the leg more toward the outer side). It’s common. Since we humans are all unique with different lifestyles, skeletons, and activity

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Shoulder Pain Treatment_ Healing a Rotator Cuff Tear in Brooklyn New York at Physio Logic NYC

Shoulder Pain Treatment: Healing a Rotator Cuff Tear

What is a Rotator Cuff Tear? Most of us will experience some shoulder joint pain or dysfunction in our lives. The shoulder joint and its associated muscular rotator cuff can be particularly vulnerable to injury due to a unique and complex movement called circumduction. Circumduction is a complex and important functional movement that allows us

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How to Remedy Tech Neck and Poor Desk Posture at Physio Logic NYC

Combating Poor Desk Posture with Massage Therapy

Can massage therapy be a solution to poor desk posture? Let’s explore the benefits of massage therapy in combating poor desk posture. Technology is everywhere. Whether sitting at your desk working on a computer, checking the number of likes on your most recent Facebook post from your smartphone, or just talking to your mom, technology

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massage therapy at physio logic nyc in brooklyn ny

Why Massage Therapy is an Important Part of Physical Therapy

By: Amy Montia, PhD, LMT. At Physio Logic, most physical therapy patients receive massage therapy (also called manual therapy), woven into their treatment plan, as integrating massage therapy into each session optimizes physical therapy treatment and can effectively expedite their recovery. A great research paper in Science Magazine in 2012 by Mark Tarnopolsky, a metabolic

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Orthopedic Medical Massage Therapy - Manual, Medical, Sports Massage Therapy |

Orthopedic Based Massage Therapy

Licensed Massage Therapist, Amy Montia, explains Physio Logic’s unique approach to Massage Therapy, the variety of different techniques used, and the benefits of having manual therapy added to your treatment plan. Massage Therapy is part of patient rehabilitation and wellness at Physio Logic. Our goal is to help you feel less pain and discomfort, and

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Active Release Technique for Running Injuries

Active Release Technique for Running Injuries

Physio Logic’s Chiropactor, Dr. Mike Distler, demonstrates Active Release Technique (ART) on three different leg muscles, commonly injured by runners. Active Release Technique is used extensively by our chiropractors to treat injuries and conditions such as patellofemoral pain syndrome, iliotibial band friction syndrome, medial tibial stress syndrome (shin splints), achilles tendinitis, and plantar fasciitis.  Active Release

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How to Choose the Right Running Shoes | Physio Logic

How to Choose the Right Running Shoes

Using running shoes without the right “fit” for your foot can seriously affect your performance and in some cases, lead to serious injury. Physical Therapist, Dr. Sarah Whiteside, DPT, PT shares some advice on picking the right running shoes.  Appropriate footwear is key to preventing injuries of the feet, ankles, knees, hips and even the lower

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