Using Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy to treat dizziness, imbalance, vertigo, and more.
Using Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy to treat dizziness, imbalance, vertigo, and more. READ MORE»
A woman’s body experiences a lot of changes during her pregnancy in order to aid in the development of the baby. These changes can result in various aches and pains throughout the body. Furthermore, giving birth isn’t called “labor” for nothing! Research shows that labor is an intense and extremely taxing experience that can result
Prenatal Care: A Physical Therapist’s Perspective READ MORE»
By: Dr. Vivian Zhang, PT, DPT, MS. What is Urinary Incontinence? Urinary incontinence is a loss of bladder control resulting in involuntary leakage of urine and can affect men and women of all ages. It is a problem that is embarrassing and can significantly impact one’s function and quality of life. Per the U.S. Department
How Physical Therapy Can Help Treat Urinary Incontinence READ MORE»
By Dr. Sarah Rodriguez, DPT. Do you suffer from neck and/or back pain and have a hard time finding a comfortable sleeping position at night? Or do you find yourself waking up with even more pain than you started with the night before? Sleep positioning is crucial to having a good night’s sleep, and we
6 Sleeping Tips for Waking Up Without Neck and Back Pain READ MORE»
By: Dr. Rudy Gehrman, DC As promised, DIY neck pain exercises are below. But first, let’s talk about what’s going on in your body. We’ve all heard over and over again how important good posture is. And yet, many of us still find ourselves slouching in our seats or hunched over our phones and laptops
Are you living with a pain in the neck? Try these DIY Neck Pain Exercises. READ MORE»
By: Dr. Rachel Tavel, DPT. When people hear the word “core” they usually think about their abdominal muscles. We all know that we have to have a strong core for improved posture, balance, and overall strength. But what if we told you your shoulders have their own core? The scapula, commonly referred to as the
5 Exercises to Improve Scapular Stabilization and Prevent Elbow, Wrist and Hand Injuries READ MORE»
By: Dr. Ali Kalinowski, DPT. Staying healthy is of the utmost concern at the moment. Washing hands, social distancing, working from home are some of the key ways to keep yourself (and others!) healthy during these times. Unfortunately, times like these also tend to increase sedentary behavior. In my tiny studio apartment, I don’t have
At-Home Physical Therapy Exercise Equipment: A Hand Towel READ MORE»
Whether we like it or not, getting stronger takes work. Consistent work. If you are a patient here at Physio Logic, chances are you’ve been given “homework” by one of your doctors. Usually, that homework consists of a set of exercises to do on your own in between physical therapy or chiropractic appointments. We get
5 Tips For Doing Your Home Exercises READ MORE»
By: Amy Montia, PhD, LMT. At Physio Logic, most physical therapy patients receive massage therapy (also called manual therapy), woven into their treatment plan, as integrating massage therapy into each session optimizes physical therapy treatment and can effectively expedite their recovery. A great research paper in Science Magazine in 2012 by Mark Tarnopolsky, a metabolic
Why Massage Therapy is an Important Part of Physical Therapy READ MORE»
By: Dr. Vivian Zhang, PT, DPT, MS. Introduction to Ankle Injuries and Physical Therapy Providing support and articulation for the foot, the ankle joint plays a critical role in our mobility. Injuries involving the ankle can, therefore, be particularly frustrating, not only due to the pain of the initial injury but also to the accompanying
Physical Therapy for Ankle Injuries READ MORE»
By: Dr. Sarah Rodriguez, PT, DPT. With the fall season well underway and the crisp weather and autumn foliage at its peak, it’s no wonder that this time of year brings out the running itch and kicks the running season into high gear. After all, the air is finally cool and the excitement and energy
7 Tips to Avoid a Running Injury READ MORE»
Shoulder problems are more common than everyone thinks. Whether it is general pain or a limited range of motion, there are a few exercises that can be practiced to keep the joints flexible, reduce pain, and improve balance and strength: Scapular Squeezes (preferably done on a foam-roller): Holding light weights (2-3 pounds) lift arms straight
Physical Therapy Shoulder Exercises READ MORE»